Error's in measurement

Saturday, May 2, 2009  at 12:43 AM
When different physical quantities are measured in a laboratory with the help of different apparatus, there would be some in accuracies in the measurement which must be mentioned along with the result.

The inaccuracy in the measurement is called error.

The errors in measurement can be broadly classified as

  1. Systematic error

  2. Random error

Systematic error:

The errors that tend to be in one direction, either positive or negative. such errors cannot be both, positive and negative simultaneously.

Some of the sources of systematic errors are:

⇒ Instrumental errors:

The errors occuring due to the imperfect design or improper calibration of the instruments.

⇒ Errors due to method of experiment:

For e.g. while measuring the temperature of the human body an incomplete contact of a thermometer with the body causes error in the measurement.

⇒ Personal Error:

Such error arises due to an individual's carelessness in taking observations or due to the fauly method.

Random Error:

The errors which arise due to random and unpredictable fluctuations in experimental conditions are called random errors.

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