well many of the community owners/mods depends on screen shots....
so this tutorial can explain that even the screenshots can be falsified...
WEll for this u need firefox and FF addon....
I used LOLA for this.... u can download lola from here
After installing lola have a look at the bottom right u can see the symbol of lola...
now do a single click on that symbol and hover the mouse on the text which u want to edit....
now click in between the red lines... a box would appear to edit the text...
Now to edit the text.... u can delete some of them and add urs and it would appear over there...
YOu can also change the smileys in the post....
The default smiley had endings such as
the above are the default smileys use by the orkut.... so in the post which u had to edit just change the last word ....
and u can change the smiley in the post also....
see image...
Now another edition....
YOu can also delete one's post ......
click on lola symbol on the bottom of the FF....
Now select the text which u wanna edit... but selection is slightly different....
see image...
If u had notice in above figure ... then the persons snap is also included in the selection.....
when u click in between the red lines again the box would appear to edit the text....
Just delete all the content and press ok and wolllahhhhh!!!!!... the post deleted.....
Points to remember :
1) This thing can be a part of game, prank etc..... so totally for fun nothing serious....
2) When the page is refresh the original text would appear
3) Don't used this trick to falsified the documents and misguide others
4) Have sportsman spirit and enjoy editing in orkut and have fun![]()
Its nice :) :D
nice one :D
thanks.... :D
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